Attributions for quotes on the "bait" pages

Quotes from
taken from Focus on the Family at

"Homosexuality is just one form in which the brokenness of humanity reveals itself, along with greed, hatred, fear, dishonesty and intemperance."
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"All Americans should shudder when homosexual activists routinely use the tactics of threats, intimidation, blackmail and deception to strangle a free and open exchange on homosexual behavior."
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"We believe [the ideas of gay activists] are dangerous to society at large and to the family in particular. Nevertheless, their advocates seem to be everywhere at once. The gay lifestyle is aggressively promoted throughout culture, especially in television sitcoms, Hollywood movies and on university campuses."

"That agenda includes teaching prohomosexual concepts in the public schools, redefining the family to represent "any circle of people who love each other," approval of homosexual adoption, legitimizing same-sex marriage, and securing special rights for those who identify themselves as gay. Those ideas must be opposed, even though to do so is to expose oneself to the charge of being 'homophobic'."
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"How would you respond if, without notice to you, your child was required to attend a school assembly where homosexual and lesbian sex acts were graphically described -- and your child was not permitted to leave?"
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"The battle has moved to California, where homosexual activists are vigorously seeking to implement their agenda. Once again, their ultimate goal is 'gay marriage'. If it becomes legal in California, gay activists will have achieved most of their objectives in one fell swoop. And as our most populous state goes, so goes the nation."
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"Studies also show a high degree of destructive behavior among homosexuals, including alcohol, drug abuse and emotional and physical violence."
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"There are in fact only two traits which all homosexuals share in common: erotic attraction to members of the same sex, and same-gender sexual behavior. Neither of these traits are innate or immutable. Both are subject to rational moral censure and, therefore, do not constitute a sufficient basis for legal protection."
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Quotes from
taken from the Family Research Council at

"We believe that homosexuality is unhealthy, immoral and destructive to individuals, families and societies."
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"Homosexuality is a life-controlling addiction like smoking or drug abuse."
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"Homosexual books, magazines, and newspapers are filled with bitter and often obscene denunciations of religion in general and Christianity in particular."
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"Homosexual activists want to promote the flouting of traditional sexual prohibitions at the earliest possible age. If you can persuade young people to ignore parental and religious warnings against premarital sex, then you will have a much easier time convincing them that condemnation of homosexuality is likewise a rule to be broken. According to overwhelming medical evidence, homosexuals are typically very promiscuous, with many averaging several hundred sexual partners over a lifetime. Some even report having thousands of partners. For this reason, they want to encourage a promiscuous society -- and the best place to start is with a young and credulous captive audience in the public schools."
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"Once brought into the homosexual fold, these teens are then plugged into a network of dysfunctional relationships that are, by nature, destructive of self-esteem. They are furthermore introduced to an array of dangerous behaviors, including anal intercourse, sado-masochism, sexual promiscuity, and substance abuse."
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"Sodomy laws could be used to prevent the advocacy of homosexuality among children in schools by setting a legal and social marker teachers could not transgress. Their absence opens schools to the possibility of introducing the behavior as acceptable to children."
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"Lesbian culture is rife with anti-male sentiment, as evidenced by hostility toward men in lesbian publications and in public references."
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"The purpose of groups such as Exodus International is to reach out to those who desire freedom from homosexuality and other forms of sexual brokenness such as cross-dressing, transsexuality, pedophilia, and sex addiction."
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Quotes from
taken from the Concerned Women for America site at

"Society has seen fit to withhold its blessing and special protection from other shared behaviors -- murder, theft and fraud, and "sexual orientations" like necrophilia, bestiality and pedophilia. When people act out these behaviors, society reacts with revulsion and punishment. These "orientations" obviously represent a clear and present danger to the physical, mental, cultural and spiritual health of the citizenry. Protected class status bestowed on homosexuals as an entire class would represent the first awarding of such status based solely on behavior -- a frightening precedent."
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"It's time to stand up to the onslaught against traditional values in this country. The truth of the matter is that homosexuality is an immoral behavior that can be changed. Under no circumstances should it be given society’s stamp of approval."
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"Homosexual rights ordinances interfere with the right to hire men and women with sound moral principles to teach our children. They threaten the right of schools to to hire teachers of high moral caliber."
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"Homosexual activists are engaged in a campaign of misinformation and lies. They are demanding special privilege instead of legitimate rights. The Employment Non-Discrimination Act is is a wolf in sheep's clothing."
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"We have a government that encourages and endorses the lifestyle at all levels, including schools. Through AIDS education, the government spent millions of dollars to sensitize kids to the plight of the homosexual. It's 'tolerance', it's 'multi-culturalism'."
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"Polls among Gen-Xers reveal that so-called homosexual rights legislation enjoys substantial support among the young. That is troubling. Those people are going to be running the country in another 10 or 20 years."
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"It appears that the radical homosexual movement is winning this cultural war. Basically, they have no opposition except for pro-family moral Americans. If it were not for the Reggie Whites who are willing to stand up and say, "This is wrong" -- and take the arrows -- it would have been done long ago."
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"Since 1973, the homosexual agenda has permeated every aspect of society, including your workplace and the education of your children. By using humor and sympathy, they have carefully manipulated the minds and hearts of Americans into believing their lifestyle is normal. One has only to look at the television show, "Ellen" and the many homosexual characters on other shows to see the homosexual invasion."
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"The values we teach children today will determine how tomorrow will look. Unfortunately, homosexual activists know this all too well. Parents must remain vigilant to efforts in the school that, in the name of "tolerance," promote a sexual behavior that Scriptures and traditional morality regard as deviant."
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"The National Organization for Women and the sisters who hail their ideology are not interested in coalescing around traditional American principles. Their agenda is unabashedly liberal, anti-family, and anti-God."
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Quotes from
taken from the official Dr. Laura site at
(Note: most of the following quotes were taken from Dr. Laura's radio show; archives of the show can be downloaded from Dr. Laura's site but are removed after a short period. The quotes were taken from archives of Dr. Laura's broadcasts that were available elsewhere.)

"I hear a lot about 'The debate over gay rights...' Rights. RIGHTS! RIGHTS? For sexual deviant . . . sexual behavior there are now rights. That's what I'm worried about with the pedophilia and the bestiality and the sadomasochism and the cross-dressing. Is this all going to be 'rights' too, to deviant sexual behavior? It's deviant sexual behavior. Why does deviant sexual behavior get rights? Don't understand that to start out with." taken from:

"When you're trying to establish a world order that is deviancy becomes the norm and everything is OK and there should be no judgment, the first thing you have to do is either remove kids from their homes to brainwash them - like if there were government daycare centers or mandatory pre-schools from the age of 3. Take kids out, have a curriculum which brainwashes them in any way, or the second thing is dissolve, weaken the relationship between parents and children so there's a lack of respect and sense of authority, so the teachers are now in collusion with the kids against the parents."
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"Propagandizing in our school! There's no agenda? 'It's Elementary!' An incredible videotape by two lesbians which is supposed to be about teaching kids not to breach anybody's civil rights. That was a lie. It's so blatant, it's obvious. It went around many PBS stations. It was a propagandizing piece to have children approve of homosexuality as young as in kindergarten, and any expressions of a different, opposing opinion was discounted and humiliated."
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